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  • Cole Brisson

Peace of Mind on the Open Web

In a world where privacy seems to be less and less of consideration, it can be easy to forget the importance of it. Confidentiality and its concern on the world wide web is a dangerous thing, talking to your friends or doing banking online should be a safe and secure thing, but we are always plagued by stories of hacking and theft of personal information.

There are multiple steps that you can take to prevent this from happening. One of the most important of these steps is getting a VPN. A VPN or Virtual Personal Network is your shield from hackers or any other entity on the digital web that you suspect could be watching your online presence.

What a VPN does is simple, to understand it, imagine your computer on a network of thousands of other computers. You connect to a website like any other computer, and your network sees what you are searching for and the sites you are looking at. What a VPN does it cut through the middle man and creates a private tunnel to the intended destination. With this tool, you can browse the web without the worry of having your web usage monitored.

For information on VPN's, please refer to these sites

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