I use this source because to me in this day in age when many sources are biased in their own way, that this source is as impartial as they come as the news source is based outside of the US
This site is used for any new technology-based news, with no particular focus in regards to a certain technology this site encompasses all broad news around this topic and is non the less useful to the viewers of the page
Digital Camera World
This is my main source for any news regarding new things in the camera world. The site gives the latest on new lenses and cameras and which is best for new and veteran photographers
Computer World
My Source of information regarding the hour by hour information on any software related issues whether that be glitches or important updates to google chrome and the new features it includes.
Pc Gamer
My main source of information regarding the latest computer hardware and reviews on the latest games that come out as well. This site is well regarded within both the gaming community as well as computer builders as well which is why I view it as credible